The MEC is highly dedicated towards its mission of increasing knowledge about the Middle East in students as well as individuals in the greater Tallahassee area and the surrounding communities. As such, the MEC hosts a number of events both on and off campus throughout the academic year to enhance its outreach program:
- Middle East Center Lecture Series: Throughout the academic year, the MEC hosts public lectures by international and national scholars on campus so that they might share their expertise on the Middle East and conduct workshops for Middle East studies majors.
- Arabic Outreach Program: Through the Arabic division of the Department of Modern Languages, Middle Eastern studies students have been volunteering in local K-8 grade schools to present the Middle East to their students. This program aims to educate students about the diverse peoples and cultures of the Middle East and North Africa through fun and engaging activities. FSU students interested in volunteering can contact Zeina Schlenoff ( or Zafer Lababidi ( for more information.
- The MEC also works with the service learning program within the Center for Leadership and Service at FSU in order for our students to receive volunteer hours. The training that volunteers receive provides them with the skills needed to participate in school presentations and helps them acquire leadership and public speaking skills.
The center welcomes all students, regardless of their major, as volunteers.
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