Martyrdom and Other Mediums of Violence
Friday March 19, 2010
"Remembered Martyrdom: Stephen's Relics and the Collective Memory of Suffering and Persecution at Minorca"
Jennifer Collins-Elliott (Religion, FSU)
"Gender, Narrative, and Politics: Comparing Female Martyrs in Islam and Christianity"
Shannon Dunn (Religion, FSU)
"They Were Absent From the Flesh: The Body and Pain in the Early Christian Martyr Texts"
Stephanie Cobb (Hofstra)
"God Touched Me and All I Got Was This Withered Hand: Ancient Christian Narratives of Divine Punishment"
Nicole Kelley (Religion, FSU)
"The Ascetic Life and Very Special Death of Abu Bilal: Shurat Narratives and Ibadi Identity"
Adam Gaiser (Religion, FSU)
"Capitalism, Maritime Trade, and Violence: The Origins of Permanent War in Early Modernity"
Daniel Vitkus (English, FSU)
"The Legacies of an Imperial Martyr: Britain's General Gordon and Sudan"
Stephanie Laffer (History, FSU)
"Cautious Commemoration: Palestinian Martyr Monuments in Israel"
Tamir Sorek (Sociology, University of Florida)